الثلاثاء، 15 يونيو 2021



Today I will talk about mosaics

What is the mosaic Mosaic expresses a kind of beautiful art, which shows accuracy and beauty at the same time, as the so-called mosaic is formed when performing a decoration process for a surface by arranging pieces of small size that rarely have regular dimensions next to each other, so that they can be The pieces used in mosaic art are stones, glass, metals, crusts, tiles, and other materials. A space is prepared to hold the pieces next to each other according to a specific layout to produce the final shape, using adhesives to collect the pieces and fix them in their places.

The largest mosaic panel in the world There are many mosaic panels around the world due to the large spread of this art across different civilizations, but when it comes to the largest mosaic panel in the world, the matter may be limited to Palestine specifically in Jericho, with a continuous mosaic panel with an area of ​​826 square meters It is located in the palace of the Umayyad Caliph Hisham bin Abd al-Malik. It consists of 38 small panels connected to each other with a very precise and beautiful color. It has approximately 21 colors. The painting is located specifically in the palace bathroom, which was built in the year 743 AD. The painting was later named after The painting of life, because of the drawings that express the life of war and peace, as it consists of a tree in the middle of a lion devouring a deer from the left, and two deer living in peace from the right, except for the columns and decorations that surround it of an Islamic nature

types of mosaic

 Mosaic art is divided into a few main sections depending on the materials used in its manufacture and the method of formation, which are as follows: traditional or classic mosaics, which are made using stones such as granite and marble. Mosaic is made of pebbles. Mosaic is made of ceramic and glass tiles that are cut by hand. Industrial mosaic, which got its name from cutting special tiles using industrial cutting tools.

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