الأربعاء، 16 يونيو 2021

Spacetoon Future Youth Channel

Peace be upon you, today I will talk about a beautiful channel, which is Spacetoon

Spacetoon is an Arab open television channel specializing in animated films and series, Japanese anime, and paragraphs for children and adolescents. Spacetoon is the third channel specialized in animation in the Arab world. The channel presents the most important international cartoon series, and in addition, it shows a number of songs, chants, and short targeted paragraphs of a humorous, educational and religious nature.

The channel began broadcasting in March 2000 with a children's segment on Bahrain State TV, and it was launched as an independent channel in 2002. It has two headquarters; The first was in Damascus and the second was opened in 2003 in Dubai. The channel has ten planets that define the categories of animation by content or age. Spacetoon owns a group of Syrian investors and includes a group of companies specialized in children, production, dubbing and publishing. As of 2016, Spacetoon is broadcast to 22 countries and has watched over 130 million viewers.

Spacetoon channel has been closely linked to the Al-Zahra Center, as it has become the first interface for showing series, films and programs that the center has dubbed and directed since its establishment in 2000, and to be the main platform for the center after those programs were shown on Arab government channels in the period between 1985 when the Center was established Al-Zahra and between the year 2000, and it was also associated with some programs of the Joint Program Production Corporation for the Arab Gulf States, such as Damtum Seslimeen, Information City, and some cartoon series that the Corporation dubbed and which were shown in the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century, such as Adnan and Lina and others.

The channel is affiliated with Spacetoon Media Group under the shadow of Global New Age Media, and is considered one of the most prominent media brands directed to children in the Middle East and North Africa. The channel aims to make children happy in the Arab world and consolidate noble values ​​and good qualities. In addition to the above, the channel has paid attention significantly to the religious qualities and values ​​of the Arab community, and this was evident in the educational paragraphs and the breaks that highlight the features of some assumptions and virtues such as fasting and pilgrimage. It is worth noting that the channel, in cooperation with the Al-Zahra Center, has paid great attention to keeping pace with the contemporary world and presenting the latest series and cartoon programs while imbuing the values ​​and moral character of the Arab and Islamic community, which made it unique and distinguished by being the first of its kind to take this approach in its content.

The channel rose to be in the imagination of the Arab generations, who soon considered Spacetoon to be the first on a large scale in content, culture, Arab identity, modernity, and chanting at the level of voices in the minds of these generations, starting from those who witnessed its opening in 2000 until this day, despite the change of identity and offers However, the content and approach remain unchanged.

The idea of ​​the channel is to navigate in space and move between the ten planets that the channel has allocated to show its series, as each of these ten planets represents a specific pattern and type of animation. As for the planets, they are; Action, Comedy, Emerald, Adventure, Sports, Bonbon, Alphabet, Science, Movies, History with the mention that the last planet is now removed.

Starting in 2020, Spacetoon has taken a new path based on a primarily commercial basis, in contrast to its well-known approach for the past twenty years; In the past, Spacetoon used to nurture the memory of generations by presenting the latest programs on its screen, and was keen to select and display programs in the best way, completely free of charge on its screen, while in the year 2020, the newly dubbed programs were shown on its launched application, Spacetoon Go, for an amount The viewer pays money on a monthly basis for watching all the episodes, as well as the money paid for removing commercial ads in this application, which seemed different from what Spacetoon was known about at the beginning of its launch, that it was the only channel that allows the viewer to watch all its shows for free, unlike children’s channels prevailing at the time, which was encrypted and not freely available.


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